Monday, September 18, 2023

July 28 We Don't Do That Here

 On the way back from Drammen, we had to pass through the tunnel that went under the fjord again.  In the morning we had gone through with no problem, but this time there was a big problem.

 Shortly before we got to the tunnel, we stopped at a gas station to go to the bathroom.  Thank goodness.  Joan and Tom and Patty were a bit ahead of us and texted us that traffic was stopped in the tunnel.  They didn't know why.  Soon we joined the queue. We were stopped just outside the first tunnel, with Pam and Roger and Hal right behind us.  We sat for a long, long time.

We watched as car after car left the line, turned around and went back.  But we googled it and there really wasn't a good alternative route.  There was a ferry that left from a town a ways away, but who knows how long that line would be or at what time they quit operating.  We decided to wait it out.  We did eventually go inside the tunnel, but only because cars left the line.  There was no movement.

Cars going the other way came through just like normal.  Why don't they take tuns and let us go through? 
Can I just say that Cindy is AMAZING.  She found the number for highway police and called them.  She asked for someone who could speak English.  She got a lady that could sort of speak English.  She said they knew about the problem.  It was a big truck that had broken down.  They were working on fixing it.  Why don't you just tow it?  Why don't you stop traffic and take turns letting the two lanes go through?  "We don't do that here."  What?  You don't do that here?  I guess in Norway it is just your bad luck if you are in the lane that is stopped up.  It was another testament to how blessed we are to live in the USA.  We just don't know how blessed.  This went on for two hours.  Of course everyone was worried about going to the restroom.  Ken made the mistake of not going at that last gas station.  He was really suffering. 

After we finally got through the tunnel, we stopped at a gas station/ restroom.  Guess what pulled up after us?  The very truck that caused the trouble, being towed.

No, we did not throw eggs at it.  But, as you can tell, the thought crossed my mind!

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