Monday, September 11, 2023

Dear God, It's Me, Margaret

 Years ago, for a period of time, I often taught a seminar about reading to children.  I did my presentation for schools, parent groups, Relief Societies, etc.  I would mention Judy Blume and how I felt she didn't reflect my values and cautioned parents to read her books before allowing their children to read them.  For that time, she was blunt and dealt with subjects such as menstruation, kissing boys, etc.  When on a recent vacation, I saw this movie available on the airplane and watched it.  It is based on Blume's novel by the same name.  I was pleasantly surprised.  It did deal with the issues mentioned above, but the overall theme was searching for God.  Margaret was born in a very loving, but mixed marriage.  Her mother was Christian and her father, Jewish.  Through the whole story, she talks to God and is trying to figure out exactly who He is and if He cares about her.  The acting was really good.  I still recommend watching it yourself before allowing your children to watch it, but I came away with a different feeling about it than I expected.

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