Saturday, August 7, 2021

Family Reunion- Sunday, July 4, 2021

 Happy Fourth of July!  It sure was a happy one for us.  We attended Prince's 9am church.  Everyone was early.  Pretty amazing.  As we sat there, I realized that all of our posterity was in church at the same time.  I felt so blessed and grateful.  I probably shouldn't have, but I got up and took a picture (before church started, of course).

Both Ken and I bore brief testimonies, taking the opportunity to bear testimony to our posterity, in this Fast and Testimony meeting.

Our schedule for the week.  Another printed schedule shows the meals.

Right after church we took our family picture in the Princes' back yard.

This swing was a hit.

Brian taught the devotional that afternoon.  He had Nathan come up.  He said he was going to have Nathan brush his teeth today and then he wouldn't have to the rest of the week.  He loaded on enough toothpaste for the whole week.

Poor Nathan had a huge mouthful of toothpaste and foam.

The point was that we can't just study scriptures one day a week and it will do for the whole week any more than we can just brush our teeth once a week.

This is William- Michelle and Brian's youngest.  He really sat up and took notice at church when two children bore their testimonies.  After church he asked, "Little people can have testimonies?"  His mom explained what a testimony was and asked him if he knew Jesus loved him.  He said, "Yes."  "Then you have a testimony."  He then announced, "I have a testimony and ear wax!"

You will see in the reunion pictures many pictures of children reading books.  The Princes (as we all do) have many children's books and the kids were always reading or being read to.

This toy was extremely popular all week with the little kids.

William and Melli rubbing Grandma's feet.

As I go through the pictures from the reunion, I find that this cute little girl wins for most photographed!

The girls (and a boy or two) had a mani/pedi party.  It was fun.  I had not painted my fingernails for years.

Ken and I were in charge of the evening meal.  With most fasting, everyone was hungry.  We made barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs, pasta salad, baked beans, fruit, and homemade ice cream for dessert.

Old-fashioned vanilla ice cream- a Hinton tradition.

I love this picture.  Shonna needed a little nap.

In the evening, Grandpa and Grandma read/told stories from our life and childhood.  We have both been writing our stories for about a year now.  We plan to publish a book or two with all of the stories in them.

Grandma telling a story.

Sunday was such a nice, restful day.  Stay tuned for more action-packed days ahead.

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

A testimony and ear wax! ;)! Love it. It was so fun to relive the day. You do such a great job blogging!