Sunday, August 15, 2021

Family Reunion- Friday, July 9, 2021

 I think Friday was my favorite day of the reunion.  We had a short family meeting in the morning.

We went to the local aquatic center in the afternoon and then had a family dance after dinner.

As most mornings did, this one started with stories.  Stories, stories, and more stories in our family!

We went to the local aquatic center in the afternoon.  It was so fun.


Cousin fun in the whirlpool:

Every hour, everyone had to get out of the pool for a five-minute break.  Great time for taking pictures!!!

After a dinner of leftovers, we had a fun family dance downstairs.

Brian had put together a great playlist with fun songs from many genres.  Everyone had such a fun time!

I asked Brian to find the music "I Never Saw Blue" as Michelle did her high school senior dance to that gorgeous music. This dance  won her a scholarship to BYU- or the version back then. It was 90 second cut of this song.  It started playing and Michelle's memory came back and she started dancing.  Let's just say, "She's still got it."  It brought tears to my eyes to see her dance like that again.  Thank you, Michelle, for doing it for us.

I love hearing Shonna harmonizing to the song in the background.  She has a gift for harmonization.

Michelle was a middle school dance teacher and brought out some of her props, including these scarves.

Brothers danced with sisters, cousins danced with cousins, Husbands danced with wives, Dads danced with daughters, Aunts danced with nephews, etc.  What a great, safe place to learn to dance and have fun together.
Funny story.  Gabbi said, "Caleb, come dance with me."  With a grimace, he shrugged and said, "Ok."  And dance they did.

I love this picture of Kristen and Kenny.

Brian had put several child dance songs on the playlist.

The kids found the costumes and then it became a costume dance party.

Best idea ever to have a family dance.  It was so fun!
After the littles were put to bed, the adults had a wonderful Come, Follow Me discussion led by Jared.  I learned so much from his teaching technique.  He is a master teacher.
I think these kids would agree that this was the best night of the reunion.  Their parents let them stay up while we were having our Come, Follow Me discussion and play night games.  They had SO. MUCH. FUN!!!

I call this group the fort builders.  A couple of reunions ago, this group had a blast building a fort when our reunion was in Brian Head.  This same group loves to play games  together and had an absolute blast playing night games:  Jaron, Gabbi, Jacob, Nathan, and Caleb.  This is another of my favorite pictures from the reunion.

How we love each of these fort builders!!!

Friday was an awesome, perfect day!!!!  


Shonna said...

That whole day was so much fun! And a family dance is definitely a great idea!

Joan Morris said...

So fun to see your pics and to see Michelle dance again. She is beautiful.