Tuesday, March 9, 2021

And There is Hope!

 Yea!  Hallelujah!  After a year of mostly lockdown, there is hope.  Ken and I got our first COVID 19 vaccinations on Thursday, March 4th.  I have never, ever been so excited to get a shot.  

It was, by far, the biggest crowd we have been in during the last year.  There were hordes of people.  But it was very well run and we were in and out pretty quickly.  And everyone there was wearing a mask.
As I looked around the packed room,  I got emotional and full of gratitude for all of these people working so hard, day after day, to help me, help us, get out of this year-long plague-  To help us see our grandchildren.
Britney, the sweet nurse that gave me my shot was so kind and caring.  Maybe too kind and caring.  When she asked about my grandchildren, tears sprang to my eyes.  "This day gives you hope, doesn't it?"  More tears.  Yes, yes, it does.  Hope for normalcy, hope to hug and kiss my grandchildren, hope to be able to go to a store,  to sing with Keynotes, to travel, to go to church, go to a restaurant, be with friends, get a haircut, hope to not be afraid of people. Yes, hope.  Thank you, Britney, and all who are working hard and helping us.  As I left, I said to Britney, with tears on my face, "Thank you so much.  This means so much to me."  I wanted so badly to give her a hug.  But there is hope that I can next time.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Makes me cry.😭🥰 This is beautifully expressed.