Tuesday, March 2, 2021

A Completed Assignment

 You may remember that Ken was asked to be the head of a group in town to support the hospital in countering the anti-maskers and encouraging all to mask up and stay socially distant.  At the time, the COVID 19 numbers were skyrocketing in our community, around 300 new cases a day! The hospital was close to, and on some days, even beyond capacity.  They had a COVID tent set up and prepared, but did not want to have to use it. Ken's job was to send out video links and other information to the group, asking them to do what they could to get people to wear masks and to not gather in groups. With the availability of the vaccination, the numbers have decreased, and the crisis alleviated.  So, our friend Terri, the hospital's public relations coordinator, brought us over a delicious treat and note to say thanks for our service.  We are so grateful the numbers have decreased and that we don't feel obligated to post Virus-related posts any more.  We were both uncomfortable with that role.  But we were happy to serve in this capacity.  It introduced us to a lot of good people in our community and showed us that small efforts can make a big difference.

The caramel apples were delicious!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Hooray for you guys! Your posts that I saw were well done and were needed and appreciated! A job well done!