Thursday, February 1, 2018

Capeless Superheroes

Since returning from our mission, Ken and I have become superheroes!  I know! It's pretty exciting at our age.  Actually, we don't have capes or fly around, but we do save people.  We sit side by side at our computers and find ancestors that need saving temple ordinances.  We check them out carefully, then print ordinance cards for each one.  We then go to the temple to perform those ordinances.  Ken did 92 baptisms one day and 106 about a month later.  We feel overwhelmed to get them all done- especially the endowments.  We have sent cards to many family members to help with the work. We are so very grateful for their help.  If you are reading this and would like to do endowments or other ordinances for family, please let us know.  Have we got a deal for you:  Take the cards, do as much as you like, then send back the cards in the self-addressed envelope we will provide. You don't even have to be family.  We have our neighbors helping out, too!  So, you can be a capeless superhero, too!  Well, you can wear a cape if you want.  No rules here.  I tried to capture with the camera the need.  It is hard to photograph stacks properly, but you get the idea.

Here's a stack of cards that we have completed.  Patty and Hal are serving a temple mission in Kona, Hawaii and have done a lot of the ordinances for our ancestors. Tears spring to my eyes when I think of all the ordinances Patty and Hal have and are performing.  They are blessing many.

See- Super Heroes!!!
So, come join the ranks!  We have cards for many in the Gabrielsen, Peterson, Tolman, and Hinton lines.  You can choose which line you want to help with.  You can be a Super Hero, too!

1 comment:

Joan Morris said...

So glad to help in this work! You and Ken truly are super heroes! Wow, what a lot of names.