Thursday, January 26, 2017


We like to check the weather here as well as where our family lives on a weather app.  For awhile there, Logan and Boise were getting so much snow, and then were so cold.  But then we had our turn.  It snowed and snowed and snowed and snowed.  Here are my screenshots of the weather in the four places one afternoon:

We had blizzard after blizzard . . . or maybe it was just one, big long one.  Even the locals said it was an unusually big storm.
Snow, wind, and cold!

Driving is scary in near white-out conditions.

We cross these tracks very often as they are close to our home.  It was very difficult to get across them for a few days because there was so much ice built up.  I was afraid we would get stuck on the tracks.
Ken paused to take a picture as he was beginning to dig us out.
This picture was taken after the big storm.  This is the beginning of the huge mountain of snow they create in a local  parking lot.  You have to put it all somewhere, so most business parking lots choose a corner and pile and pile it all winter.  This parking lot had the biggest mountain of all last year, and it looks like it is getting a good start on this year's.

And here is the start of the mountain they create in the vacant lot across from our apartment.

One day, on Tuesday of the big storm, Ken shoveled for hours.  He scoops it into this big scoop and deposits it across the street on the mountain of snow.  On that day he had over 25,000 steps on his step counter and over 9 miles.  That's just the steps.  That doesn't count the digging, scooping, bending, and hauling.  The steps are the easy part!  After a few hours, though it was cold,  he shed his coat and hat and scarf.

We were blessed to travel over the mountain on a relatively clear day with mostly dry roads.  But I wanted to show the blue line they paint on the sides of the snow along the road.  It's purpose is to guide during white-out conditions.

I like to take pictures from inside the warm house from the window!

Yesterday morning, we were literally snowed in.  The city's snow removal crew was working on our area.  They made huge walls of snow as they scraped the streets.  We couldn't go right. . .

Or left. 

We just waited and finally they cleared it and we got out!

Here's the mountain across from our house.  It is even bigger than this now.

I should title this post Snowmagedon 1 as I'm sure there will be more.  We hope we survive the winter!!


Joan Morris said...

That looks very familiar this year ;( Boise is drowning in it. I'm sure all this snow is a shock to you Southern Utahans. Ken is such a good neighbor and friend to shovel everyone's snow. Sounds like the city is good at plowing though so that is a blessing.

Michelle said...

Driving in it would be scary, and it's inconvenient, but it does seem kind of exciting and it is beautiful.

Pam said...

That is some serious snow, Kay! You have taken some beautiful landscapes of it, along with the dramatic piles and piles of it! Hang in there and store up the memories - when you get back to St. George, you won't be seeing snow like that ever again!

Kristen Mackrory said...

That snow, and DRIVING IN IT, is one thing you WON'T miss from this mission!!!