Sunday, January 8, 2017

Christmas Eve with the Satoh Family and a Special Christmas Gift

The Satoh family invited us and the elders for dinner on Christmas eve.  Imi cooked a delicious feast for us.  It was an honor to be in their home. 

Knowing Americans like root beer, she purchased some for us (very expensive here)  at an import store.  Cheers!

We had tofu salad, scattered sushi, fried chicken, delicious soup, and delicious meatloaf. 

No Japanese Christmas dinner would be complete without a beautiful and delicious Christmas cake. 

Isn't it beautiful?

Speak softly and carry a big knife!  How we love this precious girl.  Whenever she sees me, she runs into my arms, "I love you, Sister Hinton!"

Several weeks ago, I asked Imi if she knew anyone who carves wood.  I explained that I collect nativity sets from around the world  and would like to have someone carve one for us.  She didn't know of anyone.  This is not a Christian nation, so it is difficult to find a nativity set.  As far as I knew, that was the end of the story. 

But for Christmas, she presented us with this beautiful miniature nativity set inside of a Christmas tree.  She said she found it when she went to Tokyo.  What a sweet, thoughtful gift.  It's small, so won't be hard to take home, and is just beautiful.  I will treasure it always and it will always remind me of a very special friend in Japan.  Thank you, Imi chan. 


sara cardon said...

What a wonderful Christmas Eve! The food looks amazing. I love reading about all of your adventures, and you can just tell how much those people love you!! Funny about the root beer-- when I lived in Austria they all thought it was disgusting and tasted like cough medicine (like those Ricola herbed cough drops). It kind of does. I guess it's an acquired taste!

Joan Morris said...

I love this. I started crying reading about the sweet nativity gift. You truly have touched so many lives and they've touched yours for the better.

Pam said...

Oh, Kay, that nativity set is beautiful and even more beautiful is the love in whch it was given. All of your experiences you share touch my heart. You and Ken have made forever friends and changed lives with Christ as your exempler.

Pam said...

Oh, Kay, that nativity set is beautiful and even more beautiful is the love in whch it was given. All of your experiences you share touch my heart. You and Ken have made forever friends and changed lives with Christ as your exempler.