Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Another Special Gift

Elder Hinton served his mission in Fukuoka, Japan over 40 years ago.  He served there with an Elder Niihara at that time.  They were never companions, but they knew each other.  When we came to Japan 15 years ago to pick up Kristen after her mission, we went to the Fukuoka temple.  Elder Nihara greeted us there, as he was checking recommends at the front desk.  It was a joyful reunion.  Our mission president also served in that mission at that time.  He also knew Elder Niihara.  He and his wife recently attended a mission president conference in Fukuoka.  They saw and visited with the Niiharas.  Sister Niihara brought out two beautiful, old kimonos and showed them to the Smiths.  She said her mother gave them to her on her wedding day.  She said she would like Sister Smith to have one and Sister Hinton to have the other. 
I am touched beyond words that someone we've never met would give us such a valuable and precious gift.  It is shown below.  One is the kimono and the other the wide sash that is worn and tied in a special and traditional way. 
 I'm sure you've seen them before, but I'm including a picture of some girls in kimonos that we took last summer at a local festival.
And some of our own beautiful Remi last January when she came home to attend her Seijin shiki (becoming an adult) ceremony.  (She was living in Tokyo at the time, but she has since come home to live.  Yea!)

What Sister Niihara didn't know is that I hoped to purchase a kimono before we went home as a souvenir.  They are extremely expensive, but I thought it would be the perfect remembrance.  But now I have something even more valuable- a treasured, vintage gift that will remind us of the graciousness and giving of the Japanese people.  We are humbly grateful. 


Joan Morris said...

Wow! What an amazing gift. I'm so touched by the Japanese people's generosity and gift giving. What kind, unselfish people. What beautiful fabric. Can't wait to see you in it!

Michelle said...

Beautiful! What a generous gift. Elder Niigata must have really loved and appreciated Daddy. Maybe this is their way of saying thank you for your missionary service? Such giving people.

Pam said...

What a truly generous gift and what a treasure to bring home with you! Love seems to have no boundaries for you guys on that mission!