Friday, January 6, 2017

A Special Christmas Gift

Dear, sweet Sister Gotoh presented us with this beautiful gift for Christmas.  We went to her home to give her our little box of chocolates and ornament and we received this beautiful gift in return (not to mention a big box of cleaning supplies.)  Something doesn't seem even here!  We were so touched that she would spend so much time and talent on us.  How we love this dear sister.

Thank you, Sister Gotoh.  We will treasure this always! 


Joan Morris said...

I told about Sister Gotoh when I taught the YM/YW last Sunday. They loved her story. Of course I cried while telling it. Thanks so much for sharing her story with me. I love that painting.

Michelle said...

What medium did she use to create that? It's bigger than I first imagined! Wow, that would take a lot of time to create!

Pam said...

A feeling of warmth and love jumps out at me when I look at your lovely new painting. She captured it! What a generous and kind friend!

sara cardon said...

Love it!