Saturday, January 14, 2017

Christmas With Family So Far Away

Our daughters and their families all gathered at Brian and Michelle's in Vegas for Christmas.  I admit, it pulled at the heart strings to not be there.  But thanks to the miracle of technology and lots of pictures, we did get to share in a lot of the joy. We face timed with them several times and they sent pictures.  All three families contributed to the pictures, as well as some we took: 

Taken on facetime.  We gave all three of our daughters Japanese kimonos for Christmas.  Throughout the year, we have given each of our granddaughters a kimono for their birthdays as well.  They all brought their kimonos to Brian and Michelle's- as you'll see in a picture later- and modeled them. 

Each grandchild came up to the screen and I tried to get a picture of each.  They aren't great shots.  This is Shonna's Hannah and Kristen's Brielle.  I'll put the sort of, semi-good ones on here.

Michelle's Gabbi  (holding Nathan's new magnifying glass)

And this is Michelle's Kenny.  Further down there's a picture of him hugging us, taken from the back.  He LOVES to facetime with us.

Shonna's Lily Kay.

We also sent them all matching sister scarves.
They sent us a family calendar.  It is a tradition to make one every year.  It is always wonderful- but means even more with us being so far away.

They all gathered at Michelle and Brian's and included Hinton cousin Jana Farnsworth and her family and acted out the nativity.

Joseph and Mary

How in the world did baby Jesus sleep through all of this?

Joseph and Mary arriving by donkey.  When Joseph went to Bethlehem, I think he took great care . . .

Sweet little angel.

They sent pictures of fun outings they went on while together.

Michelle, Shonna, and Kristen

The two babies we have yet to meet- born while we have been here:  Gabe and Samuel.

Our handsome sons-in-law:  Brian, Blake, and Jared.

Daughters and granddaughters in their kimonos.  I have been picturing this photo in my mind for a year now as we've given each one a kimono.  And it's almost as good as I imagined it.

Playing the game we sent each family.

Kenny giving us a virtual hug.

Opening the box from Japan.  It was full of Japanese treats and a small gift for each one.

Dividing the treats. 

Japanese fans for the granddaughters and ties for grandsons.

Making traditional caramels. (We do it every year.)

They each painted the nativity.

Shonna's family went back home for actual Christmas, but the others acted out the nativity again on Christmas eve.  These pictures show that it may not been exactly like it was on that first Christmas night.

I love this one.

Mackrory Christmas Jammies.

Lining up on Christmas morning.

They all got emoticon hats.

Audrey showing us what she got.
Thank you, Michelle and Brian for hosting the crew and thank you to all of you for making our Christmas special.  We love you more than calendars with pictures of our family!!!!   Yes, more than that!


Joan Morris said...

I loved seeing all the pictures of your cute family and how awesome for all the girls to have kimonos. So fun that they spent the holidays together. You are both such amazing examples for your kids and grandkids. They are so lucky to have you!

Pal & Hatty said...

Technology is the best when it works!! I am so glad that you were able to communicate with everyone! How fun for everyone to be together and share traditions and fun! The kimonos are all so beautiful and I love all the pictures of your cute family! I really like the idea of having them paint nativities - I want to know more about how that works! Joan is right - you and Ken are such good examples!