Monday, June 16, 2014

Ken Goes Cruisin'

We had two big events crash at the same time.  Shonna and Blake's baby girl came much later than we anticipated (YEA!-  I think we prayed too hard and got her stuck in there) so she came just a day or two before we were supposed to go on a cruise with all of his partners and wives to the Caribbean.  Isn't that the way of life- so often we have to choose between good and good.  So we decided to divide and conquer.  So while I was in Logan, Ken went a cruisin' and had a wonderful time.  On Grand Cayman Island, he went on an excursion to the sting ray sandbar and got to swim with and even hold a sting ray.  You can see the water was calm and shallow and conditions perfect for such an excursion.  He promised he'd take me back there!
Sting Ray Sandbar in Grand Cayman Island

Boat to Sting Ray Sandbar

Tendering from Cruise Ship to Grand Cayman Island

Sting Rays!

Is this amazing or what!

 On Belize a few of them hired a lady to give them a tour and take them to see the Mayan pyramids.  On the way, she, in trying to get over to avoid a bus on the narrow road, ran off the road and down into the jungle.  They off-roaded through the jungle at a high rate of speed.  They hit many small trees, but miraculously did not hit a tree large enough to disable the van or hurt the passengers.  She was somehow able to get back up the side and onto the road again.  They all felt blessed as things could have ended SO much worse.
View from the top of Mayan Pyramid at Altun Ha

Altun Ha, Belize

The tour guide/ cabdriver (in green) who nearly killed my husband

View from one of the plazas at Altun Ha

The highest pyramid at Altun Ha

View from the top of the pyramid
Their other stop was Cozumel, Mexico where Ken went with a group to Chankanaab- a beach/marine park.  The beach was gorgeous and the snorkeling amazing there.

After the cruise, Ken stayed a couple of extra days in Tampa, FL to do some birding.  It was hot and the mosquitos thick, but he did get a few new life listers there (somehow I don't regret missing that part of the trip at all!)
We both got home on the same day and are now enjoying being at home together on a more permanent basis.


Pal & Hatty said...

What beautiful photos! The stingray pictures are amazing! I'm so glad that all ended well with the wild van ride! Kay - you are an awesome grandma and are earning your "wings"!

Pam said...

Your comment, Kay, about choosing between good and good, rings so true! Our callings as moms are unique like no other, and are a lifetime deal. I admire you a lot for honoring that calling so graciously. I know how much you love to snorkel and cruise. But it is all good!

Pam said...

Your comment, Kay, about choosing between good and good, rings so true! Our callings as moms are unique like no other, and are a lifetime deal. I admire you a lot for honoring that calling so graciously. I know how much you love to snorkel and cruise. But it is all good!

Kristen Mackrory said...

Wow. That water is a-ma-zing! I am impressed daddy took that many pictures. He must love you a whole lot cuz that is so unlike him! What amazing experiences. That sounds like a cruise that would be perfect for you to do together...snorkeling AND sting rays...please avoid the crazy "tour guide" the next time around though. Thank goodness for answered prayers of safety!