Monday, June 9, 2014

Fun at the Camerons

I spent a week and a half with the Cameron family to welcome baby Hannah.  We had fun.  Lily, Caleb and I went to the zoo and then the park one day.  I took pictures on my phone, but I can't figure out how to get them onto the computer.  I'll keep trying.

Sweet Baby Lily- I mean Hannah.  She looks SO much like Lily!!

Lily in apron with hood AND bib.  She's now ready to eat spaghetti!

Caleb loves to build his train tracks.

Lily Kay and her baby

Love, love this picture.

This is a darling book we got at the library.  I really recommend it if you haven't read it.

Blake took Lily and Caleb to a camp out with the Cameron family over Memorial Day weekend.  Shonna and I enjoyed the evening watching a movie (Saving Mr. Banks)  and of course cuddling baby Hannah.  The next day (Memorial Saturday) we went to the Logan cemetery to decorate Mom and Dad's graves.  We then enjoyed a Cafe Rio lunch.  Those few hours with my daughter and new granddaughter were the highlight of the week!

The splash parks opened that weekend, so we had to go try one out on Tuesday  The kids had so much fun!

Princess Lily

The kids love their new sandbox their daddy built for them.  During the week I was there, the Camerons were putting in their yard.  They laid sod and brought in the landscaping.  It was crazy busy, but will be so nice.  

Caleb on the mountain of woodchips that will be spread for a nice play area.  

I love this sweet baby girl.  Welcome to the family, Baby Hannah Rose!


Pal & Hatty said...

What a cute family they have! You have been such a wonderful help to them to insure Hannah's safe arrival and she is a little doll! Shonna and Blake's new yard and home look great!

Pam said...

Oh, Kay, you have all been through so much to get that sweet little baby here, and I love her name! What a sweet miracle she is! Shonna and Blake's kids are all so adorable The pics show some great highlights of your experience helping and being with them. Those flowers on Mom and Dad's grave are so lovely, and, as I told you, they are in great shape almost two weeks later.

Joan Morris said...

I'm so happy for Shonna and family. What a sweet little family. I can't believe how your family is growing! You are such a wonderful Grandma to give up your cruise to help out with the new baby. Looks like you had a fun time.