Thursday, September 13, 2012

Post- Reunion Fun!

Our reunion ended on Sunday, August 5th.  We went to church together, then headed our separate ways.  Shonna and Blake went home to Logan, Michelle and Brian went to South Jordan to be with his family for the week, and Kristen and Jared and we headed to St. George.  Jared had to fly home the next day (then go to Prague on business the next day- poor guy!)  Kristen and the kids stayed with us for two more weeks.  We had a marvelous time.  Shonna was very brave and drove down from Logan with her two kids  on Tuesday and spent the rest of the week with us.  Then Michelle and Brian came back and stayed a few days before flying out of Vegas.  So everyone came except Blake for at least some of the time .  It was so fun to continue the reunion in St. George.  Here are some pictures from the next couple of weeks.

This is apple crisp made by Nathan.  Nathan LOVES to cook.  He found a recipe for apple crisp on and made it for us.  It was delicious!  

Yummy Apple Crisp.
St. George is very hot in August.  We spent a lot of time in the water in the next couple of weeks.  Sprinklers and popsicles were the order of most days.


Okay, who took my picture before I combed my hair in the morning in my "Coat of many colors?"  The kids love Grandma's ipad- and her coat of many colors.

I have a fit bit.  It's a little device -see it there on Nathan's shirt?- that counts your steps.  I was  feeling very lazy one day, so I clipped the fitbit on Nathan and had him run around and around the house.  It was perfect:  I got credit for steps on the fitbit and he ran off some of his endless energy.  Brilliant!  Absolutely brilliant!

The kids love our costume box.  Jacob is wearing my silver shoes from when I was in Madrigals in high school.   That's quite the ensem, buddy.

We played water games one afternoon.

This picture proves that Jacob did indeed get some water in the bucket in the water relay.  I can see it.  Most of it spilled on the ground as he ran.  

The water balloon toss.

In this relay, we had to sit on a water balloon to make it pop.

Jakie could not figure out what happened to that balloon.

The games dissolved into a water fight:  Everyone against Grandpa!

Everyone got sopping wet- which felt wonderful in 110 heat.

When Brian and Michelle were here, we went down to our wonderful city center water park.  The kids had a blast.

"Here, let me get that for you!"

But that wasn't enough.  We had more water fun in our yard after lunch.  It, of course dissolved into a huge water fight:  Everyone against Brian.

"I'm gonna get you!"

We played so hard that little Gabbi fell asleep during dinner.  We looked over and she was fast asleep at the table.  
We did have one trip to the emergency room.  Little Nathan "flew" off the couch and hit his head on the coffee table requiring staples.  Kristen and I took him to the emergency room.  He was SO cute, he had the nurses and Dr. very entertained.  He had us all laughing and was very brave.


Pal & Hatty said...

I'm so glad you had so much time to be with your kids and grandkids! I love all the pictures - especially the ones of you and Ken with the kids! Your grandchildren are all so cute!

Ada said...

You have detailed a wonderful "feast!"

Shonna said...

That was so much fun!!! Thanks for hosting all of us again. We can't wait for you guys to come in a couple weeks! Wahoo!!!

Joan Morris said...

You Hinton's know how to throw a party! You could go into business. What great pictures and what great memories.

Kristen Mackrory said...

I love all your captions...and your pictures! You forgot to tell about Nathan convincing you to take a turn running around the house with the fit bit. Thank you for hosting all of us crazies. We had such a nice time! Sure love you!