Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ken's 40-year Class Reunion

Ken graduated from Hurricane High School in 1972.  His graduating class had 72 people in it.  On Labor Day weekend, we attended the 40-year class reunion. I'm guessing that this reunion was a little different than your class reunions- just guessing.  The best way to describe it is it was  more like a family reunion.  These 72 people really care about each other and are genuinely delighted to be together and see one another. There was no charge for this reunion.  There was a donation jar on the table if you cared to donate (I'm sure that's because there are those in the class that may not be able to come if there were a charge.  There are others very willing to cover the costs if enough is not collected.)  The dinner was much like you'd have at a  family reunion or church potluck- provided by members of the committee.  It was really delicious.  One of the ladies is an expert cupcake maker.  The cupcake display was beautiful . . .and delicious.  The entertainment was, I'm sure different than at your reunion.  Greg Last- the student body president from way back then- held the mike and went through the names of everyone (yes, everyone!) in the class.  The focus was on those NOT there.  "Does anyone know where they are or how they're doing?" They think there are two in jail, but there are also many successful men and women.  One of their classmate's son is the world champion bronco rider- twice!  So, I guess that's the claim to fame.  After going through every name, the other half of the entertainment was a video set to 70's music of the senior pictures of each class member, then a picture of them now with their families.  I must admit, we had the loveliest family of all.  Just my opinion!  Now, this part will make you jealous:   Each class member was given two favors:  a hand-crocheted dish cloth and a small jar of home-canned relish- made by the organizer's mother-in-law.  I'll bet you didn't get THAT at your class reunion.  See, it was like a really nice extended family reunion!  It was really fun to reconnect with these good people and feel their respect for Ken and Ken's love and respect for them.
  Howard and Joni came from Salt Lake and stayed with us that night and Sunday night.  We forgot to take the camera to the reunion, but I did get a couple of shots of the Stuckis in our home to remember the weekend.  Howard was one of Ken's closest friends since toddler-hood.

Joni and Howard


Pal & Hatty said...

I love it! All class reunions should be like that! I am jealous about the favors I love crocheted dish cloths - they are the very best kind! I am glad that you were able to spend time with your friends!

Joan Morris said...

What a wonderful class reunion. I can't believe it's been 40 years. Wow, how time flies.