Saturday, October 2, 2010


We had a busy and fun September. September is always one of my favorite months as it seems it's a time of new beginnings and renewal for me. Here are some of the highlights of the month:
1) Labor Day barbecue with Don, Ada, Melanie, Tiffani, Rick and Samuel (forgot to take pictures)
2) Restarted voice lessons after summer break
3) Restarted Keynote rehearsals after summer break
4) Ken went on two Saturday day hikes
Melanie and Ken
Steve and Melanie
5) Bottled peaches and made peach jam
6) Attended seminar in Vegas (Ken did, I tagged along)
I went to the Vegas temple while Ken was in classes.
7) Choir sang twice in church
8) Still don't have Choir Christmas program or Keynote Christmas program written though my "to do" list nags me to do it every day.
9) Cleaned out under bathroom sink after months of nagging from my "to do" list
10) Attended temple (several times), book club, high priest social, Tabernacle program, wedding reception, and watched BYU win once and lose 3 times (4 if you count Oct. 1st)
11) Gave away lots and lots of peaches to family and neighbors and still have one shelf full in the fridge.
12) Talked, emailed, and skyped with kids
13) 14 trips to the gym- well, the pool- for me
14) too many to count walks and bike rides for Ken
We're looking forward to a great October when we will welcome a new grandson and I'm sure I'll get those programs written!


Blake said...

Way to go Mom! And you said your lives are too boring to post about. I loved the pictures.

Michelle said...

I LOVE this post! It's fun to hear what you've been up to! Those are some of my favorite to read. I love the fact that you have always been so good at putting first things first (attending temple, etc). "Some things are better, and others are best," as Elder Dallin H. Oaks put it. I'm lucky to have a Mother who does a great job living that principle.

Shonna said...

It's been a busy month. Dad did great taking so many gorgeous pictures on his hike. Isn't September a great month?

Joan Morris said...

Yeah, I'm glad you finally did a blog post. Looks like a September full of lots of good things.

Pal & Hatty said...

You amaze me Kay - you get so much done! I love all of your pictures!