Saturday, October 23, 2010

Techno Granny!

I've been waiting for years for this little guy to come into my life! It's a digital voice recorder. For Keynotes, we rehearse independently using demo recordings of songs I get from the publishers. This allows us to only meet once a week, but still get really good and memorize all of our music. But, only about half of what I choose for us to sing for each concert has a demo recording available. So, for years we've had "recording day" after a couple of months rehearsal and tape- literally cassette tape- ourselves singing the other songs. So then we have a cd and a tape with which to rehearse. It's been increasingly difficult for everyone to obtain a tape player as their old ones wear out. I don't know how many times I've said, "They need to invent a way to record onto a CD." Well, they skipped that step and invented this. I just turn this little baby on and it records. Using a USB connection, I plug it into my computer and download, and Wa LA I have Keynotes singing on my computer! Now if that ain't fancy, I don't know what is. Then I just made CD's for all of them with all of our songs on it. It's little, it's inexpensive, and it's pretty easy AND the sound is great. I plan to use it with my voice students, too. You can just call me Techno Granny from now on!


Michelle said...

That IS pretty darn fancy. I'm impressed that you even know about this not to mention the fact that you got it to work by yourself! I would probably have resorted to having Brian do it, then teach me how. Good work! I'm glad that it is making life easier.

Joan Morris said...

Well look at you. I am impressed.

Blake said...

Go Techno MOM! I'm glad you got that new toy; I'll bet it'll make things much more convenient for all of your singing ventures.

Kristen Mackrory said...

For COOL! I am impressed! No more hitting record on the tape deck to record to another tape then going to cook dinner then coming back to flip the tape then cleaning then coming back to put in a new tape then taking a nap then...

Where did you find out about it?

Pam said...

Wow, Kay! I am so glad to get this info - I could have used this so many times in the past, but now maybe I can use it when I get my choir accompaniment recorded. You must be a techy, figuring it out all by yourself!

sara cardon said...

Wow!! Cool!! I've never heard of such a thing, but what a great invention...