Monday, October 4, 2010

Do You Love Me as Much as My Mommy Does?

This is the question my sweet granddaughter Brielle asked me one evening when I was putting her to bed when we were tending her last summer. She was crying, missing her mommy. There were only two times when she got sad during the week we had her, and this was one of them. Ahh. How would you answer that question?

I did what most moms and grandmas do in those situations, I prayed mightily that I would say just the right thing, and said, “No one loves you as much as your mommy does. Except Heavenly Father. And He loves you way more than your mommy. But no one loves you as much as your mom and dad. But Grandmas and Grandpas are the very next. We love you second most.” I then ran and got the phone and we called Mommy. “Brielle is feeling a little bit sad.” Within minutes, Mommy had said just the right things and Brielle was across the room playing happily, comforted in her Mommy’s love.

2010 is a red-letter year for me. As of this year, all of my daughters are mothers themselves, and now they all understand just how much I love them. Before you are a mommy yourself, you just don’t get it. I love to talk to my daughters and read their blogs and feel and see that mother love coming from them. It gives me a tiny glimpse of what Heavenly Father must feel as he lets us be parents.


sara cardon said...

Every time Lucy starts nagging me to play a game with her for the 62nd time that day, I think "I gotta call my mom and thank her again!" I guess with mothering what goes around comes around. If anyone had told me how hard it is to be a stay at home mom I wouldn't have believed it, but it's definitely worth it!!

Shonna said...

I love you Mom! Thanks for everything. And yes, I understand exactly what you mean. It's amazing how much love I have for my sweet boy.

Blake said...

Family...isn't it about...time. This message brought to you by (a member of) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Joan Morris said...

Cute story. You gave the perfect answer to Brielle and I totally agree that you can't relate to a mother's love until you are one :) It also helps me comprehend the love our Heavenly Father has for me.

Michelle said...

Crying? Who's crying? Not me . . .

Pal & Hatty said...

You touch my heart in special ways Kay! You have a gift for putting everything into words! Thanks for being such a wonderful sister!!

Natalie Sue said...

I'm not crying either...

Ming said...

Ditto to what Michelle said.

I love this post.