Thursday, September 30, 2010

The King of Torts

The King of Torts (Grisham, John)The King of Torts by John Grisham
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There's nothing like a Grisham to grab your attention from the first page, and keep you turning them. This one is about Clay Carter, a young public defender in Washington DC who becomes the King of Torts and extremely wealthy in a very short period of time. I learned a lot about Tort law(I didn't even know what that was) and human nature. This book is a study of the power of greed and it's destructive force. Though not my favorite of Grisham's books (I didn't really connect with the main character,) it was an enjoyable read.

View all my reviews


Shonna said...

Sounds interesting. You read so many books, Mom, you're awesome!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Looks good! I love Grisham!

Kristen Mackrory said...

You read that fast! What IS your favorite Grisham?

Kay Hinton said...

It's been so long since I read most of the Grisham's, Kristen, that it's hard to remember which I liked best. But I do remember really liking "The Street Lawyer."

Kay Hinton said...

Grandpa Gabe's favorite Grisham was "The Painted House." He once told me that that and "The Education of Little Tree" were his all-time favorite books.