Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tea Time For the Traditionally Built

Tea Time for the Traditionally Built (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, #10)Tea Time for the Traditionally Built by Alexander McCall Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Need a break from real life, but can't go on a vacation right now? Then do the next best thing and pick up "The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" (book 1 in the series) or which ever one is "next" for you. This one is #10 in the series. I think I've read eight of them. If you love action adventure thrillers, then these books are NOT for you. But if you love quiet, character-driven, subtly humorous books, then this delightful series set in Botswana, South Africa are the perfect "vacation" for you. Much like the Ramona Quimby series for children (I've said for years these are among my favorite books), or Jan Karon's Mitford series, these books are modern fiction about day to day life. Their focus is on their delightful characters (who before long become the reader's dear friends) and their day to day adventures, challenges, interactions, and dreams. Being "traditionally built" myself, I especially love the leading lady of the series, Mma Ramotswa. I can't wait to read #11. The television series based on these books, season one now available on DVD, is also wonderful. The casting is fabulous and the setting, authentic.

View all my reviews


Shonna said...

I just reserved it for myself at the library. Looks like my style of a book. I absolutely loved the Father Tim series.

martha meyers said...

I loved the Mitford series, too, and we read and/or listened to most of the Beverly Cleary books on tape when my girls were younger. This looks like another series I would like.

Pal & Hatty said...

Another great review! I love these books - they make me laugh and think alot about life and people and what is most impportant.
You should hire out as a "book reviewer" - you do an amazing job!