Thursday, September 2, 2010

Precious Penny in the Envelope

I was doing some cleaning and straightening today and found the envelope Brielle and Nathan sent with a thank you note from Nathan for his birthday gifts and a cute note and picture from Brielle. We so enjoyed those pictures and notes when they came a month or so ago. I don't know why I even kept the envelope. It should have been thrown away. As I went to do so today, I felt something heavy and hard in there. Upon investigation I found a penny nestled down in the corner. I burst into tears. Something about knowing that Brielle or Nathan (I don't know which) was thinking of us and wanted to give us what they had to give really touched me. That little penny is worth far more than that to me. It's precious!


Blake said...

That's so sweet! Thanks for sharing mom. I'd bet that just made your day.

Michelle said...

How sweet is that?! Cute story.

Kristen Mackrory said...

They love and miss you. Brielle: "Wasn't it good when we lived in Provo and we could just get in the car and go to St. George to see Grandma and Grandpa? That was so good."