Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We just returned from a wonderful cruise to Alaska with my siblings. We had such a wonderful time. We so enjoyed spending time with Pam and Roger, Patty and Hal, John and Cindy, and Joan and Tom. Highlights of the trip included: the beautiful scenery, seeing a mother bear and her cubs, Seeing hundreds of spawning salmon in the streams, fishing for salmon (Ken with John), Seeing whale and a HUGE pod of dolphins with literally hundreds of dolphins, Seeing two glaciers, Lots of beautiful flowers, a 25 mile bike ride (Ken in Skagway), shopping with my sisters. Onboard: Trivia ( we won or came in 2nd several times), the great entertainment and shows (especially Patty getting chosen to go on stage and be sung to and dance with the entertainer- she was so dang cute!), soft ice cream bar, and of course, the delicious food!!! It was a great week! We both came home with bad colds, so we're trying to recover, but it was very worth it. Thank you, family for a great, great time!


Shonna said...

How fun! Sorry you have such bad colds, that's no fun. You should tell more about the food. That's one of my favorite parts about a cruise.

Joan Morris said...

We did have a great time!! Thanks for all the pictures. I'm so sorry that you and Ken got the "swine cruise flu".

Shonna said...

Okay, so the slideshow finally downloaded and you have great pics of the food, now tell about your favorites. I love those hydrangea pictures, how beautiful!!! Oh, and why are Uncle Roger and Aunt Cindy banned from sitting by each other?

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Looks like fun!! Next time you all need to take your kids!!

Carina said...

I loved looking at both your pictures and joan's. I can't wait to go on a cruise now, it looks like so much fun. It must have been extra fun taking that trip with siblings and spouses. That is so cool you guys got to see whales and dolphins! I've always wanted to go whale watching. I'm curious, why aren't Cindy and Roger allowed to sit next to eachother?

sara cardon said...

Roger and Cindy aren't allowed to sit by each other b/c they're both naughty instigators, right? I'm reminded of the phrase "condescending as*" being used while playing Trivial Pursuit-- or maybe that was said to MY dad...I can't remember!! GREAT pictures!! Glad you all made such wonderful memories.

Kristen Mackrory said...

How delightful.I loved looking at all of your pictures. You got some great ones. I love all of your flower pictures. You're good!! How fun that Patty got called on stage. It looks like you had a great time and saw some AWESOME things. I'm so glad.

Kristen Mackrory said...

I love your picture at the top too! Where is that? And your quote by Jerry Sienfeld is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Sarah said...

Did Hal do that on purpose? (the pic where he's in front of the sign.) I've heard about his shenanigans but he just got back from being a mission president!

The Allens said...

I am sad I didn't get to see you, Ken, Pam and Roger on Sunday after deboarding the boat. I got to see the rest of the clan and hear the funny cruise stories. I wanna cruise too after seeing your beautiful pics. My favorite is the one with MY Seattle skyscape in the background! :)