Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Gabriella Michelle Prince

I am so excited to announce the birth of Brian and Michelle's baby! Her name is Gabriella Michelle Prince. She arrived at 2:42pm. She was 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. Michelle began labor at about 5:30 this morning. She did the whole thing "naturally," without medication. She so wanted to do that, and I'm so proud of her. She said she couldn't have done it without Brian. He was an awesome coach. We can't wait to meet our new granddaughter!


Natalie Sue said...

Oh so cute! I hadn't seen the pic of Michelle holding her, yet. I'm so happy for them. How amazing! And congrats to you on being a Grandma to THREE now!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Congratulations!! She is so beautiful and look at all that hair!!

sara cardon said...

CONGRATS!! She is a beautiful little baby, and Michelle is a champ for doing that naturally. Trust me, I can still vividly remember my latest contractions, and I am totally amazed she pushed through all that pain.:)

Sarah said...

Congrats!!! That's amazing. I'm so happy she was able to make it through naturally. I'm sure it was a wonderful experience for her and for Brian.

Shonna said...

Wahoo! Go Melli! She's a beautiful baby.

Joan Morris said...

Congratulations Grandma~ She's beautiful!! Good job Michelle!