Friday, January 19, 2024

Sometimes We Miss Our Mission . . .

 And sometimes we don't!!

Both Ken and I still keep track of our mission city on our weather app.  We recently were reminded how miserable Tsuruoka could be during the winter.  Ken did a lot of snow shoveling for us and neighbors on days like this one.  

One of the problems for those who worked on snow removal is "Where do we put it all?"  Since we had a vacant lot across the street from us, they used it to deposit the snow.  I honestly don't know what they'll do if anyone ever builds on this lot.

They would form a huge mountain of snow, completely filling the lot and piling it high.

Ken would wear knee-high boots, snow pants, and an ear warming head band.  He had to use this big scoop to remove the snow.

Sometimes we miss our mission . . .and sometimes we don't!

* Added note:  Since I prepared this post, this area experienced a 7.5 magnitude earthquake on January 1st and were on tsunami warning. When we heard, we immediately started contacting those we love there.  We are relieved that we have heard back from everyone and no one was hurt in the quake and the tsunami never materialized in that area.  

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