Thursday, April 16, 2020

Getting Out of the House- Zion National Park

On Monday, March 23, I was getting pretty discouraged being couped up inside.  It was time for an outing.  Ken was excited to go to Zion National Park because it was raining that day.  Zion National Park transforms when it rains.  It is just gorgeous:  cloud shrouded, the rocks that are always beautiful shimmer like jewels, and waterfalls form everywhere, spilling over the cliffs.  So, after waiting for a repairman to come, we made a simple picnic and drove the hour to Zion National Park.  We found it with very few people, allowing us to easily keep our social distance.  Please enjoy pictures of Zion National Park on a rainy day in March:

In Zion National Park are a pair of California Condors (endangered species) that live and nest there.  That is one of them on the crest of this cliff.

Another picture of the condor.  If you look, you can see his white tag on his wing, put there by park officials.

It was raining, so we picnicked under a covered bus stop.  We were entirely alone.  This was our view.

No, I didn't put on make up.  I haven't worn it for weeks!

Deer by the side of the road

A close up of a turkey vulture.  It was way bigger than it looks here.

It was just what I needed- to get out of the house!  They have now closed Zion National Park.  I'm glad we went before they did.

1 comment:

Joan Morris said...

It looks beautiful. I wish I was there!