Sunday, April 19, 2020

Getting Out of the House- Easter Picnic

Easter Saturday was a beautiful, sunny day.  We decided to have a socially distant picnic and enjoy the beautiful day.  Traditionally, through the years, we have always picnicked on the Saturday before Easter, including our Easter egg hunt. This time of year was always busy for Ken as it was tax season at work, but he would always take a couple of hours off to picnic and have our Easter egg hunt.
  We wanted to continue the tradition-sans the egg hunt.  In our stake, they have recently completed a new stake center. It was scheduled to be dedicated in March, but the pandemic has prevented that meeting.  It is out on the egde of current civilization in our stake, but there are plans to build all around it.  In the back is a beautiful pavillion with picnic tables.  We decided it would be the perfect place.  We enjoyed a nice picnic, short walk, and then drove around through booming neighborhoods in the area.  You would never know there was a pandemic going on, as so many people were out enjoying the absolutely gorgeous day.  It was wonderful to get out for a couple of hours.

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