Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dwarf Bear Poppy

St. George has a claim to fame!  There is a flower that grows here that does not grow anywhere else in the world.  No, really.  They can't even get it to grow in a lab.  It grows in a preserve they have created for it just about 10 miles from our house.  It is barren desert land, with a kind whitish- greyish soil.  And, I guess, that is what this plant likes- that rocky soil.  It blooms for about a month each year.  And it is beautiful.  Ken and I recently went out to see these rare, endangered flowers and to photograph them.

They grow in clusters like this.  Aren't they pretty?

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

It is amazing that they grow there. They really are SO beautiful!