Monday, January 20, 2020

I Will Lead You Along: The Life of Henry B Eyering

I Will Lead You Along: The Life of Henry B. EyringI Will Lead You Along: The Life of Henry B. Eyring by Robert I. Eaton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am embarrassed to admit how long it took me to complete this over 500 -page book. I started it over four years ago and got well into it before we left to serve a mission in Japan. It was too big and heavy to take with me. I picked it back up several months ago and started over with the goal to finish by years’ end. I barely made it!
I loved reading from it most every day. I found the life of President Eyering most inspiring. His self-discipline, his humility, his determination to match his day to day life with his priorities, his brilliance, his humility, his love, his humility, his follow-through, his humility, and his dedication to God and his callings are all traits I admire and hope to emulate.
President Eyering was the president of Ricks College many years ago when I attended there. I remember him being very personable, greeting students and faculty on campus and even teaching a class. What I didn’t know was the reason for his being out among us so often. It was because his uneducated, older home teacher received revelation that that is what he should do to improve. The home teacher shared that with President Eyering. Humbly, President Eyering took advice from his farmer home teacher, literally changing his life.
The last chapter was about his wife and his marriage. It was my favorite. Kathy always supported and helped her husband. She, too was brilliant. She was his sounding board and editor and a fine speaker herself. In her later years, she has lost her memory due to disease. As mentioned above, President Eyering lives/ lived by his priorities. He set up a comfortable lounge chair in his office and took her to work with him. He would have others watch her while he was in meetings, but most of the time he watched over and cared for her himself. I don’t know if he is still doing this (the book was written several years ago,) but I was so touched by his love and devotion to his eternal mate.
As you probably have guessed, I highly recommend this book to everyone.

View all my reviews

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