Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Phone Call from the Philippines

One Tuesday evening, after Ken had gone to bed (he has to get up at 3:15am on Wednesdays to work the early early shift in the temple,) I received a delightful phone call from my brother, John and his wife (one of my heroes,) Cindy.  They called to visit and see how I was doing.  It was so fun to talk to them and to hear all about their service in the Phillipines.  They are serving as Area Self Reliance Missionaries out of Quezon City.  That means they don't have a mission president, as they work in several missions, but are under the direction of the area presidency.  Their calling involves a lot of teaching and training.  They spend their week preparing power point presentations and lessons in the office.  They have extremely busy weekends.  They travel (by car or plane) to stakes and present training on self reliance. They often do five or six presentations in a weekend. They are making a huge difference in a lot of peoples' lives.

I love this picture and how Cindy is looking at John.

John and Cindy are both amazing speakers and teachers.  They touch and motivate with a great amount of love.  Though like any mission, there are difficult times, they power through and do a lot of good.  I am so proud of them.  I wish the picture at the top showed them and not John and I.  The computer just did that. I am embarrassed that I was in my nightgown!  Their call was a great pick me up for me.
Great senior missionaries!


Joan Morris said...

Aren't they just the best! I just got off the phone with them.
I'm sure it was a great pick me up for you!So thankful for Facetime!

Shonna said...

I love those guys! I'm so glad they called you!