Thursday, May 19, 2016

I'm a Model!

Getting my haircut in Japan was quite the deal!  At home, I go faithfully once a month to my hairdresser for a haircut.  She knows just what to do because I come so often and we don't even talk about hair, she just cuts while we chat.  But here I've only had one haircut in five months.  This is for two reasons:
1- I've secretly wanted to grow my hair longer for awhile, but have been scared to.  This was the perfect chance to give it a try.
2- I was scared.  It's scary when you can't speak the language and don't know how to communicate what you want, especially when you don't know what you want.

So I just kept hacking away at the bangs and let it grow.  But it finally got to a point I had to do something.  I asked the ladies in the branch and they steered me to a certain beauty parlor (they are everywhere here!) and a certain lady and even gave me a coupon.  So, brave Elder Hinton called and set the appointment and we went.  Poor Ken had to describe what I wanted because I can't speak the language.  These are words he didn't really know either, so it was quite the deal and we were nervous, as was the poor little hairdresser.  But she was cute and professional and good.  When it was over, they asked if they could take pictures for their blog.  Ahh!  I've never been asked to be a model before.  I think it was just because we're Americans.  That's hilarious.  So, if you want to see me on their blog, go here:
Here are some pictures of the adventure:

This was actually a couple of months ago, but a friend just showed me the blog today, so I decided to post it.  It's time to go back again!


Pal & Hatty said...

You look so cute! I like the way she cut your hair! Your post brings back memories of Russian haircuts and carefully memorizing words so that I could try to describe what I wanted. There are so many small adventures on a mission! You and Ken are doing greart!

Unknown said...

I love the cut! And I love Japan's newest American model.

Michelle said...

You look gorgeous! I like how it turned out. 😃

Michelle said...

You look gorgeous! I like how it turned out. 😃

Joan Morris said...

Another adventure, and this one turned out great! You look so cute! I love how you and Ken are such a good team.