Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Special Gift From Sister Goto

You may remember this post about a special visit we had with a sweet sister.  We recently visited her again.  We had such a wonderful discussion about her conversion some 40 years ago.  She is such a good person.  We came away feeling so blessed to get to know her.  At the first visit, she took our picture.  As a gift at this visit, she presented us with this drawing that she did of us from that picture. 
She told us it is just a practice and that she wants to paint it now and put in the colors.  What a sweet and treasured gift from a sweet and treasured friend!

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

She is really talented - you can tell her I said so! That is a great likeness of both of you - how sweet of her to do that. I will be watching for the painted version!