Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More Stars in the Family

"Good genes, I guess . . . Dorothy genes!"  That's what my dad would always say when he'd hear about one of our family doing good things- he'd always give credit to mom- Dorothy Gene.   Well, first Brielle, and now Joan and Tom are famous.  Joan and Tom recently won the "Spirit of the Y" award at the BYU alumni meeting.  They were very surprised and even more surprised to hear about themselves (they hadn't received their BYU  magazine yet) featured in the BYU magazine.  But they shouldn't be surprised.  They work very hard at promoting BYU in their area and hosting many fun events. They've made thousands of blue pancakes for the BYU fun runs, and hosted tail gate parties and helped lots of students and held lots of meetings in their home (and made lots of treats for those) and hosted firesides and found homes for BYU performing groups and traveled to Provo for meetings and . . . .  I know I'm only scratching the surface.  But they really do work hard.  And besides, no one texts Wahoos!  better than Joan during the BYU games.  I don't think she ever misses one!  If you cut Joan and Tom, blue comes out instead of red.  They are true blue!   Here's the link to the article about them.  Congratulations, Tom and Joan!!!!!


Pal & Hatty said...

I am so proud of them! They have certainly worked hard and deserve this honor! I am so glad you posted this!

Pam said...

That's my baby sister! And my awesome sister, Kay, posting about her! Good Dorothy genes, indeed!

Joan Morris said...

You're so cute to post this. I think the only person who bleeds more blue than me is Devin. Go Cougars!

Kristen Mackrory said...

Yay Aunt Joan and Uncle Tom! How cool that we know them. They are pretty much amazing.