Sunday, January 19, 2014


Son (Giver, #4)Son by Lois Lowry

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Almost twenty years after writing "The Giver," the author, Lois Lowry responded to readers' desire for a sequel to that powerful book and wrote "Son." It is the story of Gabriel's birth mother. It starts with the story of her life and escape from the community. Her maternal instincts and love drive her to, at all costs, seek to find her son who left the community as a baby. It is a good story, with a Harry Potter-ish epic battle at the end between good and evil. ( I'm not sure that part would have been in the story if she had written it just after finishing writing "The Giver." I think the twenty years since, full of Harry and Vampires and other societies of good verses evil battles, affected her and the story she wrote-just an observation.) It answers a lot of the unanswered questions from "The Giver," but presents a whole new list of unanswered questions. Maybe there will be another sequel? Or maybe, this time, Mrs. Lowry will leave us to our own imaginations to decide for ourselves.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

sara cardon said...

I think there are actually two books before "Son" she wrote as sequels first-- "Gathering Blue" (#2) and "Messenger" (#3). Both are really good. I think "Son" is actually the fourth and last. You should read the other two now and post what you think. I really liked them. It got into that whole society a bit more and finishes the story of the boy who takes Gabriel and escapes (I can't remember his name right now... Jonah?).