Monday, January 6, 2014

Fanny's Dream

Fanny's DreamFanny's Dream by Caralyn Buehner

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this children's book. On the surface, it's another version of the classic Cinderella story- a story children can enjoy. But underneath, it is a "how to" manual for happy marriage. Nearly every page presents a tip for successful marriage, ie: humor, accepting each other for who we are, when tragedy comes- just start over, spend time together each day, treat each other like royalty, etc. I used this little story in a lesson I taught on marriage a few years ago, and we recently discussed it for a book club. The main message of the book is that we may not marry Prince (or Princess) Charming, but he's "close enough." That's a pretty powerful message.

View all my reviews


Joan Morris said...

You introduced me to this book and I also love it!

Pal & Hatty said...

Sounds like a wonderful book with a great message! You know all the best books!