Saturday, May 25, 2013

"I Prayed if it is True, and it is!"

   On Tuesday, April 30th, the google chat bells sounded and I answered to see my excited seven-year-old granddaughter, Brielle, calling from Wisconsin.   She excitedly told me, "I finished!"  I knew what she meant.  She had been determinedly reading The Book of Mormon.  She had called to report she had finished it! She was so excited!
  Around the time of her seventh birthday in November, Brielle set the goal to read the Book of Mormon before her eighth birthday and her baptism.  She got a Book of Mormon reading chart and determined how much she would need to read each day to accomplish her goal.  Each evening, she would count how many verses there were in the two chapters and her mom or dad would read half aloud and she would read the other half.  No matter how late or tired, she would insist on doing it.  If mom or dad couldn't help, she would read it all herself.  She got way ahead of her reading chart, so revised her goal to finish by the end of April- a full six months before her eighth birthday.  And she did it!
   Grandpa Ken isn't usually home on Tuesday evenings, but they had a meeting cancelled that evening, so he came in while I was talking to her, and got to be here for the important call.  Grandpa Ken said, "Brielle, if you just finished, then you read Moroni's challenge and promise tonight."  Brielle's answer was so sweet it made me cry, "Yes.  I prayed if it is true and it is!"
    Brielle's daddy was at mutual that evening, so she'd finished it all by herself.  Since she would be in bed when her daddy got home, she wrote a note telling him of her accomplishment.  What a treasure this note will be to her all of her life!

   Congratulations, Brielle!  Grandpa Ken and Grandma Kay couldn't be more proud of you!!


Pal & Hatty said...

What a sweet post and wonderful accomplishment! I'm sure you are rightfully proud grandparents!

sara cardon said...

Okay. That's cute!!!

Pam said...

Precious, precious post! This little gal has been carefully taught!