Swam in the indoor pool:
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Bryce Canyon
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Adorable Caleb
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Caleb/ 3 weeks

Monday, January 25, 2010
Homemade Bread

Makes 4 loaves
10 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 T. salt
3 T. yeast
Mix these dry ingredients in a bread mixer or by hand in a very large bowl.
3 T. Lecithin
4 cups hot water
Knead for 5-10 minutes
Shape into loaves and place into pans.
Allow to rise for 25 minutes.
Bake 25 minutes in a 350 oven.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
90th Birthday
Later, my parents became snowbirds and found Helen Marr and her husband living here, too. They took up where they had left off years before and became very good friends again. Helen Marr's first husband passed away and she remarried. Then, joy of joys, she moved into my ward. While I was serving as Relief Society president, she was my mentor. I can't tell you how much I love and admire this dear lady. She is always loving and cheerful and so, so good. Whenever there was a work project in the Relief Society, whether it was cleaning out someone's house, making stuff, whatever, Helen Marr was the first to show up. She and my mom were so cute together. It just so happens, that she and mom were exactly the same age- within just a couple of weeks. Today is Helen Marr's birthday. Mom's 90th birthday would have been on February 5th. They met up with three other ladies who were also the exact same age- all born within a couple of weeks of each other. This picture is of the five of them at their 80th birthday celebration. My mom, Dorothy is in the middle. Only the two on the ends are still alive. Helen Marr is the one on the right. I told her I think she looks younger today than ten years ago. She has since moved from our ward, but I still delight in visiting her and being around her. I wish you could know her. It's a rare thing when one's mother's friends become one's own friends. But, really we're all the same age inside.
When my mother passed away, Helen Marr came over as soon as I got home from the funeral. She presented me with these four beautiful dolls, explaining that mom lives on in me and each of my daughters. I have the love of my mother, Kristen (who was a missionary at the time) loves the scriptures and other good books( my mom loved to read), Shonna is full of music, as was my mother, and Michelle is a dancer- my mom loved to dance and all the arts. I treasure these beautiful dolls, as they make me think of my mom and of dear Helen Marr.

Happy, happy birthday, dear Helen Marr . . .and mom!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Caleb/ 2 Weeks

Monday, January 18, 2010
Molten Lava Cake
Preheat oven to 425 (400 for my oven)
Spray 2 custard cups with cooking spray
Melt 2- 1 oz. semi-sweet chocolate squares with 1/4 cup butter
Add 1/2 cup powdered sugar.
Mix in 1 egg and 1 egg yolk.
Add 3 T. Flour
Pour in cups.
Bake 14 minutes (12 in my oven)
Let sit (this is the worst part)
Run a knife around the edge, turn upside down into a bowl and serve with whipped cream.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I wish I had a new picture. I have a new one in my mind. It's a picture of a precious little boy in a hospital bassinet. He's off all breathing support- the ventillator is gone, the baby CPAP is gone. He breathes on his own. He has little monitors attached to his chest, to make sure he keeps breathing, but he's doing great. He still has a feeding tube. He is back to birth weight as of yesterday, so he's growing. It's been up and down, but generally, up. He is learning to suck. They put a purple pacifier in his mouth when they give him his food so he associates food with sucking. He loves Shonna and Blake to hold him and sing to him and rub his little head. He hates it when they put him down to leave. He cries. It breaks my heart. I often wake up at night and think of him in his little lonely bed and pray for him to feel peace and the love of all of us who are so far away, and yet love him so very much. I pray for his parents who are dealing with all of this with such grace and love. I pray for the nurses who care for him that they'll do their job perfectly and meet not only his physical, but his emotional needs as well. I pray for his doctors that they'll make right decisions for his care. I thank Him for you and your prayers and your support. We really do appreciate your caring concern. I think when all this is over that I'll sign up with my local hospital to be a NICU grandma who just holds and loves sick babies. I sure wish I could hold and love ours. I love you, baby Caleb!
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Pink Bracelet
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Video of Caleb
Blake had a cold the last few days, so didn't dare go see his son. So Shonna made this video of Caleb and shared it with us.
Big Progress
I don't have a picture, but baby Caleb is doing great. He is off the baby CPAP machine and breathing entirely on his own. He's through with the bilirubin lights and will probably lose the IV today. He had his first bath today. Shonna is able to dress him in preemie clothes now. She says changing his diaper is scary because he is so little, but she's learning. He still has a feeding tube, but they give him a pacifier to suck while they feed him so he'll associate the two. Shonna pumps, so he is now getting only her milk. Blake has had a cold, so hasn't been to see Caleb for a couple of days, but he went today, wearing a mask. We KNOW the reason Caleb is doing so well is because of your kind thoughts and prayers. Thank you again and again!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Today's Update

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Caleb Report
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Caleb Blake Cameron

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I Love you, Grandma!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas at the Hintons, 2009
Whew! We've been on a wonderful whirlwind of family and fun for the last two weeks+. We had a great time celebrating the birth of our savior and welcoming in the new year. We got to see all of our family and enjoy the holidays together. Here's a recap of the highlights:
Kristen and Jared arrived during my vocal student performance at the rest home. I was so touched as after one of the elderly residents tottered up to talk to Brielle. Rather than shy away, she reached out both of her hands to the lady and smiled into her face.
Ken picked up Michelle and Brian late that night from the Vegas airport. They stayed overnight with us. Before heading to SLC the next morning, they attended our ward breakfast/Christmas party with us. Ken and Jared spent that day in the annual Zion National Park bird count while Kristen, the kids and I spent it Ho! Ho! Hoing!
More of the same the whole week before Christmas: Lots of shopping, cooking and Christmas fun. We enjoyed watching the BYU football team cream their opponent in the Vegas Bowl! Christmas eve, we had our now traditional (since Jared joined the family) roast lamb dinner, then had our Christmas program with Brielle telling the Christmas story on the flannel board. We then sang Christmas carols. The kids loved ringing bells and running around, but as soon as we started "Silent Night" little Nathan got a little book, got the sweetest look on his face and sang and sang. When it ended, he would say, "Again!" So we'd sing it again . . .and again. Sweet highlight of the season..We then opened our Christmas jammies. (Kristen and Jared are so good to always get ME some, too) and had hot chocolate with mint ice cream in it (don't start- you'll be sorry) After kids were in bed, Jared introduced us to his family custom of setting up the presents under the tree to perfection. My, what a disappointment we must have been to him all these years as I just cram presents anywhere I can make them fit. It was fun to see him work and work until it looked just right.
Christmas morning was fun- Santa was good to us. And except for the egg argument, all went well. After leftovers for lunch and naps, we packed up the cars and headed up the state to Kristen and Jared's.
The next morning, Michelle and Brian and Shonna and Blake arrived around 9:00am for our family Christmas party. Both were with in-laws for Christmas, so we treasured this one day together. We opened presents, played games and enjoyed another delicious Christmas dinner put on by Kristen. Before coming down, she froze food and had it all planned. We had ham, cheesy potatoes, her famous layered jello salad, lots of veggies and her chocolate molten cake for dessert (I'll post the recipe). We played games all afternoon and the boys broke the rule of the girls ALWAYS win in catch phrase. One of sweet moments was when Shonna was holding Gabbi. She kept touching Shonna's tummy and "talking" to the baby inside. We got pizza for dinner and played more games until too late at night. What a great day together!
On Sunday, we went to church with Kristen and Jared, had another nice meal, then headed back home with a PACKED car with Brian, Michelle, and sweet Gabbi with us.
We spent the next couple of days together. Kristen and Jared came back down on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we hiked the temple quarry trail with Brian's family as they were spending the week in a condo here. After the hike, they joined us for a fun new year's dinner and party. We had chicken enchiladas, jello, green salad, and Ken's famous quacamole. (Come on down and he'll make you some.) We then had a great time playing games: Wii, To Tell the Truth, Catch Phrase, and Action/Adverb (Hilarious!) They are a great family.
New Year's eve, we went on another hike to Johnson's Arch (it was the perfect, beautiful day). Later, we went to dinner at Olive Garden, then came home and celebrated the New Year with glow sticks with the kids, then more games and fireworks. Saturday, Ken took Brian and Michelle back to Vegas for them to fly home and Jared and Kristen left, too. Our house seems so empty now. We are so grateful for family and the joy they bring and for a great holiday season.
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