Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Interfaith Harmony Day Concert and Celebration

 Our Keynote group was asked to participate in the Interfaith Harmony Day Concert and Celebration.  It was a huge community affair, bringing together people from all of the churches in our community.   Each choir was asked to sing two or three songs of their choice, then we would all participate with the Interfaith choir in the closing number.  We didn't really understand that we would be representing our church in this community event.  That was a bit daunting when we found out.  Each of their churches has one congregation and one choir.  Our church, of course, has many, many members and many, many congregations.  They had to find a group small enough to represent our church that could fit in the space and fill the need.  We were most honored to be chosen.

We had a big rehearsal with everyone on Friday night.  It was held in the big hall at the Catholic church.  I loved our conductor, Kathy Brown.  She is a former member of the tabernacle choir and was so good.  I really enjoyed singing with that 150-voice choir.  I also enjoyed listening to each of the choirs sing.  There was quite a variety.

  We were nervous and had problems with the microphones that night.  I had a little solo, well, really a trio part in one of the songs.  I ddn't do well on Friday night.  The microphones were far apart and I couldn't hear the other two singers.  That caused me stress all day on Saturday.  But when we got there on Saturday, they had moved the microphones closer together on the stage. That, along with lots of prayers made it all go so much better.  Also, we were missing four of our twelve singers: two sopranos and two altos.  They are four of our strongest singers.  But we did just fine without them.  I think our songs went well.  Ken videoed them and I was pleased with the sound.  Unfortunately, I still can't get videos to post on here.

Joining our voices with 150 others of our community and many other churches at the conclusion of the program was an emotional and moving spiritual experience.  The song was in an African language meaning 'We are one!"  Can you imagine what it felt like to sing, well, almost shout, "We are one!" with all of those wonderful people.  The spirit was strong.  It is an experience I won't soon forget.

Notice my friend Nedje leads the Catholic choir.  They were really good and I loved their selections. It was SO good to see her again and catch up a bit.

This was the closing number with all of us singing together.

Singing the closing number.

What a joy and a privilege to be part of this wonderful gathering of religions from our community.  The spirit was strong, putting the stamp of approval on this unifying meeting.

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