Friday, March 3, 2023


 Two days after the big windstorm, we finally got our snow.  We went out to dinner with Don and Ada, then to their home for dessert.  When we went in their house, there was a little bit of snow falling, mixed with rain.  But when we came out a couple of hours later, it was snowing big, soft flakes.  It was sticking on the ground.  We drove home in a snowstorm with big flakes falling.

Don and Ken when we came out.  You can never see the falling snow in pictures.  It was there, I promise.
I took this selfie when I got in the car to prove there were flakes!

I took this when we got home.  You can see the neighbor kids had been playing in the new snow while we were gone.

A friend of ours took this beautiful picture the next day of Pine Valley covered in snow.  What a beautiful sight!

We are now 202% of normal in our snowpack, making us 2nd in the state.  Thank you, Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

Shonna said...

I love Dad's and Uncle Don's big smiles! Snow is super exciting, especially in Utah's Dixie.