Sunday, January 29, 2023

We Are So Grateful!

 We are so very grateful for all of the rain we have received lately.  Our mountains are covered in glorious snow.  And it just doesn't quit.  As I sit here, I can hear the rain outside.  

Our Southwest Utah area has 228% of normal precipitation for the year right now.  It is the third highest amount recorded from all of the areas in our state.  The state of Utah as a whole is at 194% of normal. We almost have the amount we usually get in the entire year already.  If the temperatures stay cool, so the snow doesn't melt too fast, we are in great shape for the year.  We are so very grateful for the relief from this drought.

This post doesn't publish for over a week from now.  My guess is that these numbers will have even increased by then.  It just keeps coming!