Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Such As I Have Give I Thee

 We had a little pre-Christmas Christmas with the Camerons where we exchanged gifts.  Six-year-old Gabe was SO excited to give us his gift.  When Ken opened it we were touched beyond words.  He gave us a stack of his beloved scratch paper.  His daddy had given him waste paper from work.  On the other side were pictures of people's mouths and explanations.  But the other side was blank and was  this little boy's treasure.  After opening it, he proceeded to show us and tell us all the marvelous things you could do with scratch paper: color, make snowflakes, make airplanes, etc.

"Such as I have, give I thee."  Acts 3:6 

I cried at the generous sacrifice he made for his grandparents.


Shonna said...

He is such a sweet little boy! I love my Gabe!

Ada said...

So sweet! I love your scripture reference with it!