Thursday, October 6, 2022

Tools for Understanding Isaiah

 I recently taught the gospel doctrine lesson on Isaiah.  As usual, I think I learned the most.  Just as it is impossible to cook without kitchen tools, it is impossible to understand and eventually love Isaiah without some tools.  Gleaning from Nephi and other experts, I presented a list of twelve tools to help us understand Isaiah.  I don't claim this is a complete list, but just the twelve I chose.  This has really helped me to understand Isaiah better.

Tools for Understanding Isaiah

1. Slow down-  take your time while reading Isaiah.
2. Know the things of the Jews - this tip comes from Nephi
3. Know the geography of the land he lived in. Another tip from Nephi
4. Know that he spoke in poetic language.
5.  Isaiah used repetition.  He often said the same thing in two or three different ways.
6.  Look for Jesus Christ. Though he didn't use His name, Isaiah spoke of the Savior a lot.
7.  He spoke to his people- like general conference addresses.
8.  He also prophesied of the future.
9.  Expect multiple fulfillments of his words.
10. Look for symbolism.
11.  He speaks to the children of Israel- the children of the covenant.
12.  Write down what you learn so you can remember when you study it again,

I am grateful for the prophet Isaiah and for these tools that help me understand him better.

1 comment:

Shonna said...

I love this!!! We shouldn't be afraid of learning from Isaiah. He was one of the greatest writers who ever lived.