Monday, August 3, 2020

Hinton Family Reunion 2020- Thursday

Thursday, July 2nd
Moths to a flame

Michelle uses her time doing daily tasks to stretch her body.  While she brushes her teeth, she uses a roller to work on her feet.  I caught her doing stretches while she blow dried her hair.  I love this girl! She takes such good care of herself.  All three of our daughters do.
After devotional and breakfast, we headed up to Tony Grove- high in the mountains.  In fact, near here are the Sinks- often the daily coldest spot in the winter not only in Utah, but in the nation!
We had a picnic in this beautiful setting.

Then went on a hike.

It was so beautiful!

Sammy.  He is the most expressive child I have ever known.

Can you tell we had cherries for lunch?

Here we are up on the highest mountain in Utah, and run into Shonna's best friend, Robyn and her family!  They had camped there the night before.  They were kayaking on the lake.  These are her boys.


Hugs back at home

1 comment:

Joan Morris said...

Do you remember going to Tony Grove with Mom and Dad when we vacationed in Utah one year?