Thursday, August 6, 2020

Hinton Family Reunion 2020- Friday

Friday, July 3rd
Friday was a big, busy day.  We wanted to get everything in that we had skipped on other days, plus Friday's activities.  Michelle wrote a schedule on Shonna' whiteboard (so wish I had taken a picture) and I'll be darned if we didn't get it all in!  It was such a fun day.  This was the scene I found when I came out in the early morning:

This was a sweet story.  The couch was full and Jacob came up from downstairs.  I asked the kids to scoot over to make room for Jacob.  Jaron got up and gave him his seat.

Everyone is ready for pictures. We turned on a movie to keep them that way.

What a cute bunch of precious children!

We went across the street near the catch basin to take our family pictures.  It went so smoothly.  It was by far the easiest it has ever been to get a family picture.  Blake had it all prepared with his camera on a tripod.

It's going to be hard to choose a favorite for the Christmas card!

We then went back to Shonna's kitchen to take a picture to update our picture on

We then headed back across the street for more hamster ball fun.
Michelle has a fun turn.
This video just cracks me up.  Lily ended upside down!
Blake set up a shade tent and brought out ice water and cups.  It was a perfect spot for watching the hamster balls and for sidewalk chalking.

In between taking care of all of us, getting hamster balls ready, and filming and photo taking Blake got a turn, too!

They carefully rolled Hannah with her broken arm.  She was delighted!

William and his dad had a great time playing ball on the huge field.




Lily and Hannah


Brielle's artwork

Sammy and Gabe

I thought this was so cute. Hannah is in the sound it out stage.

Audrey and her grandpa


It touched me that this is what Gabbi chose to write.

Just before lunch, we had scripture charades

After lunch was our service project: making plarn (plastic yarn) out of grocery bags.  The plarn can then be crocheted into sleeping mats for the homeless.  We all brought bags and we made a lot of plarn.

It was such a great service project as even the little ones could succeed and help.

Then . .. let the water games and water fight begin!  SO  MUCH  FUN!!!!
This was like duck, duck, goose, goose.

Water balloon toss.  I think Michelle and I won this round.

Now it's all-out war!!

The ammunition!

Everyone had soakers, water guns, and all the water balloons they could throw.  Some of the more clever used the hose.

And Michelle upped the game by filling the cooler and getting Brian. 

Many named the water fight as one of their favorite reunion activities:  Caleb, Lily, Gabbi and Jaron.
Mom was Kings X!
Next was the selfie scavenger hunt.  The family was divided into teams and each team was given a list of items they had to get a selfie in front of.  I only got pictures of Ken, Nathan, and Gabe's team.  I think they came in 2nd, very close behind Jared and Gabbi.  This was a picture in front of chalk art.


Stop sign
Next was the Prince family's turn for talents.  Gabbi read a story she wrote and illustrated.  It was amazing.
William sang a song

Hugs for performers  It's a tradition we adopted from the Stratford family.

Jaron performed a song that he wrote

And we headed outside to watch Kenny do amazing tricks on the trampoline.

Then the family performed a beautiful song while Brian accompanied them on the piano.  It was so very nice.  You can see that Kenny was particularly into it. 

It was so cute when he reached over and took his sister's hand as they sang.
Fireworks were banned where they live, but Jared got little pop-its that the kids thought were great!

That evening was older kids in the hot tub..  They loved it.
Gabbi said that Friday was her favorite day of the reunion:  Water fight, hamster balls, selfie scavenger hunt, and the hot tub.  

Each member of the family was asked to name their favorite reunion activities.  Most of them I have included on each day, but there were a few other responses I want to record.
Sammy (age 3) said he liked staying for a long time at Shonna's house and playing and sleeping and waking up at Shonna's.
Jacob said he liked being with all of the cousins.
Jared said he liked having it be relaxed with a lot of time to just visit.
Kenny said he liked all of it the best, as did Hannah and Blake.
Michelle said she loved being with and learning from everyone and the beauties of Cache Valley.
Grandpa and Grandma also said they loved every. single. minute. of it.  I cry as I write that.  We really did.  It was perfect.  We love our family so very much and are so very grateful that they love us and each other and want to be together.  Thank you Blake and Shonna for all of your hard work, your generosity, and all the love you poured into a perfect week!


Michelle said...

Yes, thank you Blake and Shonna! It really was a perfect week! You captured it so well Mom.

Shonna said...

Friday was packed and A blast!

Joan Morris said...

So much fun! You guys sure know how to do reunions.