Friday, March 13, 2020

Now It's My Turn

I have been stoned.  On Wednesday, Februrary 12th, I awoke at 4:00am in excruciating, white hot pain.  I was so very sick.  It went on and on.  Finally, shortly before 6:00am, I awoke Ken.  As I writhed, we discussed what it might be and determined we had to go to the emergency room.  Though in terrible pain, I took a shower and threw up (I literally never throw up.  It's probably been 40 years since I have) and got dressed.  Ken drove me to the hospital and we got checked in.  They gave me an IV and then did an MRI.  That determined it was a 5mm(that's pretty big and just on the border of being passable) kidney stone.  After two doses of morphine, my pain finally subsided at about 10:00am.  That was a long six hours.  They admitted me into the hospital for observation.  I spent all that day and overnight there.  I really didn't have any more pain that day and until the next morning while they were finally getting me checked out.  Then the pain hit again.  It was bad for several hours.  I was sick.  It let up in the afternoon, but then hit again that evening.  That pain is intense.  Then started a long time of waiting and waiting for the stone to pass. 
 I know, how do I dare post an ugly picture like this of myself?  I felt as bad as I looked.  But I loved having the blanket my granddaughter, Gabbi made me to comfort me.
Ken was a wonderful nurse.  I didn't have much of an appetite, but he did all of the cooking for the next several days.  Tamales, avocado, and corn.
I was quite ill through the weekend, but starting on Monday, I started feeling okay most of the time.  I had bouts of pain, but mostly I was okay.  I could feel something was off and didn't feel great, but I was okay.  I would hurt when the stone would move.

So we decided to go forth with our very important and anticipated plans to visit Camerons in Logan, then attend the endowment session and wedding of Remi and Walker.  Remi was in the branch we served in in Tsuruoka, Japan.  So the posts of  those special events are coming up next on the blog.  But I felt so blessed that I could attend those important events, despite the stone.  I felt like God blessed me so I didn't miss them.

Finally, on day 28, exactly four weeks after that first attack, I passed the stone.  I know people prayed for me during that ordeal and I am so very grateful for those prayers.  It was a long month, and, at times, I despaired it would never end.  They can do surgery and remove it, but I really didn't want to do that and I had been promised in a blessing that I would pass it on my own.   I am grateful that it is over and in the books and on the blog!  
PS  I could post a picture of the stone, but I will spare you!

1 comment:

Joan Morris said...

So very thankful that you passed it!Happy day, you were so blessed to be able to attend the sealing. A very tender mercy!