Monday, March 23, 2020

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Is there any role that Tom Hanks cannot play?  We have looked forward to seeing this movie for a while and it did not disappoint.  With each movie we watch about him and each book I read, we become more of a Fred Rogers fan.  This movie captures who he was and truly makes you want to be better and do better.  5 Star rating from us.  We ordered it on Netflix DVD.
To view other movies and shows we enjoyed, please click here.  Each Monday at 8:00am, there is a Movie Monday post with another movie or show we enjoyed.

1 comment:

Kristen Mackrory said...

I LOVED this movie too. I saw your opening line "Is there any role that Tom Hanks cannot play?" and immediately thought of him as Fred Rogers and what an incredible job he did. Then I scrolled down and saw that is just the movie you were referring to. I heard Tom Hanks got Covid 19 but haven't heard how he is doing. Have you?