Friday, February 7, 2020

Finally Finished!

I set a goal in 2019 to clean out, by the end of the year,  Michelle's room which has become a storage room since she left home.  We used her closet for extra clothes and junk and stuff and more junk. It was packed so full of stuff that I couldn't find anything in there. The breaking point came when a friend called to borrow a musical instrument that I KNEW was in that closet, but I couldn't find it- too much junk!  All the surfaces in the room were covered with stuff.  I went through everything and put most of it to give to DI.  I organized and cleaned.  It has been a process that has taken months.  Slow and steady wins the race.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm headed to DI with all of this stuff.

I started by piling all of the clothes on the bed.  I wish I had taken a picture of the overstuffed closet.  So I guess this is the before picture.

And I guess this is the after picture of the closet.  Everything has a place.  Everything in it's place. It's still a storage closet, but now I can find what I'm looking for.

1 comment:

Pal & Hatty said...

Good work! I am sure that it is a good feeling to know what you have and where it is!