Monday, September 12, 2016

Dinner Guests

One of the ways we have decided to serve here is to occasionally have people over to dinner.  We recently had the newlyweds- the Satohs over for the evening.  They are a delightful couple and she is adding so much to our little branch.  She is so warm and loving.
I forgot to take pictures of the food we made, and now I can't even remember what we served.  That's funny, because I stress so much about what to make.  Turns out, I guess it doesn't matter!

Thanks to Michelle sending us pudding mixes, I know we served Next Best Thing to Robert Redford for dessert.
Then, on another evening we had Chiaki and her son over for a hamburger dinner.  I teach Chiaki weekly piano lessons, using the church's keyboard program.  She is an excellent student and is really progressing. 

Our hamburger dinner:  Cheeseburgers, Potato salad, baked beans, watermelon, and sautéed mushrooms and onions and other trimmings.
We enjoy having people to dinner, though, I admit, it is a bit stressful.  It's all in Japanese, so I don't understand much of what is said, though Ken does his best to keep the conversation going and translate for me.  But we feel it is a way we can get to know people, show our love for them, and to serve them. 


Pam said...

Such luckies! They are experiencing American cuisine from a great cok! That's such a good way to get to know people, to break bread with them.

Joan Morris said...

What a great way to give service! Dinner with the Hinton's is the best!

Pal & Hatty said...

That is such a good way to get to know the people better - I bet they love to come and try your delicious American food.