Monday, July 11, 2016

Ikebana (Flower-Arranging) Show

Last week, we attended a flower-arrangement show here in Tsuruoka.  We heard about it for weeks before.  A lady stopped Ken on the trail on his morning hike and gave him a ticket.  It was a big cultural event and people came from miles around.  Many dressed up for the occasion in their kimonos.

Different artists submitted their flower arrangements, much like an art show.  Some of the arrangements were large and elaborate; others simple and small.  All were beautiful.

I have to admit that this very western-style one was maybe my favorite. . . probably because the crystal vase was so beautiful. 
It was a lovely cultural event.  We had the same feeling as we left as you do when you leave an art exhibit or attend a concert. . . .that your soul has been touched.


Joan Morris said...

Wow! Those are beautiful! They are so creative and again what a cultural experience.

Pam said...

Wow! The Japanese style is so graceful with movement within their arrangements, so linear with open spaces and more minimal. What a cool experience!

Pal & Hatty said...

You are imersed in such a wonderful and different culture! Those arrangements are lovely and so creative. You are so smart to take advantage of so many enriching experiences!