Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rule of Thumb

Rule of thumb???  What does that mean?  It's a rule or mantra for all parents.  When you look at your hand,
remember this most important rule: Your communication with your child should be four positives (represented by the four fingers) to one negative (represented by your thumb.)  When you signed up to be a parent, you took on the responsibility to correct and guide that child- to mold them into the best possible human being.  It's the commitment you made.  That will take some correction.  That's an important part of the role of parenting.  So, yes, just as you need your thumb, you need to correct your child.  But your child needs to know that you think they are wonderful.  You are their cheerleader; you are their biggest fan.  More than anyone else in the world, they will gain their feeling of self from you.  Make sure that most of what they hear from your mouth is positive.  At least four positives to every one negative.  Rule of Thumb is a mantra for all parents!  (Grandparents might want to increase that to at least nine to one.  A grandparent's role is to love; let the parents correct when that is possible.)

For other mantra ideas, click here.


Jessica said...

Love this mantra! And it's a great a reminder for me and something I work at everyday.

Joan Morris said...

Great mantra! I wish I'd known this when I was a young mom. You ought to write a book :)

Pal & Hatty said...

This is a great reminder - children grow up so quickly and small moments become lasting memories!